KWEER Skeeter

by T. C. Luther

Book Cover: KWEER Skeeter
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.99
ISBN: 979-8326024206
Pages: 193
Paperback: $ 11.99
ISBN: 979-8326024206
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 264

What do you get when you combine a failed scientific experiment, a leaking and illegal moonshine still, and a hidden puddle of green liquid?
You get a KWEER Skeeter.
What happens when a small team of hunky land surveyors and two rugged moonshining brothers get bitten by these KWEER Skeeters?
We end up with a horny group of formerly straight men who suddenly have an uncontrollable sex craving but not for the type of sex they have known at any other time in their lives.
Will this wild group of men survive the venom from those KWEER Skeeter bites?
What’s that sound I hear? It’s some strange high-pitched whine.
BE CAREFUL in the remote wetlands unless you, too, want to experience the raunchy heat of a KWEER SKEETER bite.


About the Author

T.C. Luther was born on the West Coast but relocated to a small farm in a rural community in the Midwest at an early age. Because there was minimal social contact on the farm, T.C. spent much time alone and developed the skill to conjure stories and artwork in his mind that, once put on paper or canvas, could be used for entertainment by many. As an adult, T.C. was drawn to academics, completed college with degrees in the creative arts, and focused his early career on art, architecture, and history. This desire for learning took T.C. from the Midwest to the South and New York City. After a stint in the Big Apple, T.C. returned to his origins on the West Coast, where he has found contentment and strives to live a life enriched with the beauty and creativity that his active mind creates for him and those around him.

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