The Cultist’s Wife

by BJ Sikes

murky green and black cover with an island silhouetted under the words "The Cultist's' Wife BJ Sikes"
ISBN: 979-8-9898010-0-8
ISBN: 979-8-9898010-1-5

A gothic horror set in 1908 Bahamas

She loathes him but the cult beckons.

1908, the height of the British Empire. Clara’s autonomy is shattered when her long-absent husband summons her to join him at his eerie sect’s headquarters, insulated on a sparsely inhabited island in the Bahamas.

After a harrowing sea voyage, Clara and her children disembark into an unfamiliar landscape and climate. The children explore the marvels and mysteries of Andros Island and develop friendships with a Bahamian family, while Clara struggles to find her place as a woman within the cult.

But what seems at first to be a spiritual haven for Clara reveals itself to be a monster-worshiping cult intent on draining her family of more than their fortune.

Must Clara give up her quest for independence to protect her children from the cult’s depraved attempts to consume their life essence?

Cover Artists:

About the Author

BJ Sikes is a 5'6" ape descendant who is inordinately fond of a good strong cup of tea, Doc Marten boots, and fancy dress. She lives with one large cat, two sweet teenagers, and one editor-author, plus an array of chickens.

She write fantastical histories for modern feminists.

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