Almond, Quartz, and Finch

by Lisa Bunker

Almond, Quartz, and Finch - Lisa Bunker
Editions:Kindle: $ 8.99
Pages: 224

The Nezel are refugee servants, toiling in a desert land where their culture is barely tolerated. Two friends, prowling through secret tunnels, uncover a villainous plot that places the Nezel in jeopardy. Almond and Quartz hatch a desperate plan to aid Finch, rightful heir to the throne. Even with the help of unexpected allies, their heroic efforts may not be enough—and the Time of Naming cannot be delayed. All adolescents must choose a gender and a new name for adulthood but Almond, intensely private, struggles to make this choice.

Almond, Quartz, and Finch strive to claim their true selves and protect their people in perilous times.

Publisher: New Wind Publishing

About the Author

Lisa Bunker(vo/ven/veir) has written stories all veir life. Veir books include Felix Yz (Viking, 2017), Zenobia July (Viking, 2019), and Almond, Quartz, and Finch (New Wind, 2023). Before setting up shop as a full-time author vo had a 30-year career in non-commercial broadcasting. Vo has made homes in New Mexico, the LA area, Seattle, the Florida panhandle, Maine, and New Hampshire. Vo now lives in Sacramento, CA with veir spouse Dawn, an author in her own right. Between them they have three grown children. From 2018 to 2022 Lisa represented the town of Exeter in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Veir other active interests include chess, birding, choral singing, and musical composition.

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